Border Express uses OAuth 2.0 authorisation. Before you can start utilising the API you will need to contact Border Express by emailing Please provide an email address to link to your API account. After your account is set up, Border Express will send you a link to generate your client credentials, these will be used to retrieve an API bearer token.
Retrieving Your Token
Make a POST request to with a header of: “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded”.
The entered request body should contain your URL encoded credentials in the format of:
If successful a result will be returned in JSON:
“.issued”:”Tue, 29 Aug 2017 05:45:16 GMT”,
“.expires”:”Tue, 29 Aug 2017 06:45:16 GMT”
Using Your Token
To use your token, you must add the access token ID into the request header.
When a token is first retrieved, it is valid for an hour.
In the request header, add the below values:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: bearer {access_token_value}
Renewing Your Token
Tokens must be renewed once expired. If a token has been revoked by Border Express you will receive a 401 status code and will be required to re-authenticate.
POD/Tracking Data
Retrieve PODs:
For Actual Images, send a GET request to:
For a base64 string, send a GET request to:
The most recent images will be returned.
Sending a GET to “/api/connotes/{connoteNumber}/pods/Metadata
” will return a list of POD details attached to a consignment.
If there’s multiple PODs attached to a consignment and a specific one is required, use the Id of the preferred image and download it via /api/v1/consignments/{consignmentNumber}/pods/{PODId}/{fileFormat}
Consignment Status Updates:
To return the history of status updates for a consignment (Despatched, In Transit, On Board and Delivered) set a GET request to:
To return the current status for a consignment send a GET request to:
Item Scanning:
To return item scans for a particular consignment send a GET request to:
To return item scans for a particular barcode send a GET request to:
To return a list of available scan types send a GET request to:
API Documentation
Full Border Express API documentation is available at