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Service Update: Severe flooding in Southeast QLD and Northern NSW has impacted operations. While services have resumed, we’re prioritising recovery freight, and delays are expected. Thank you for your patience.

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Service Update: Severe flooding in Southeast QLD and Northern NSW has impacted operations. While services have resumed, we’re prioritising recovery freight, and delays are expected. Thank you for your patience.

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Environmental Policy


Border Express recognises it has a vital role to play in the community and is committed to minimising the impact we have on the environment whilst balancing economic needs of the organisation.


This policy applies to all Border Express operations and employees, contractors and visitors at all times.


This Policy confirms Border Express:

  • Will deliver on best practise, whilst continuously minimising our impact on the environment.
  • Will ensure environmental integrity for employees, customers, suppliers, property, the community and future generations.
  • Will take a pro-active approach in relation to environmental laws and regulations and work in conjunction with relevant Government Authorities to ensure Statutory Requirements are met.
  • Will engage our customers, develop and review management systems to improve our environmental practises and procedures.
  • Will identify risk associated with key environmental issues and plan to minimise these risk factors.
  • Will reduce our vehicle emissions and conserve natural resources by maintaining our equipment and utilising new energy and low emissions technology.
  • Will pioneer initiatives that will allow us to minimise or mitigate our environmental impact by reducing waste and engaging recycling wherever practical within our facilities and operations.
  • Will train and educate our employees and sub-contractors in line with our environmental objectives to achieve a culture of sustainable environmental management to ensure continuous improvement practises.

This policy will be reviewed annually or as required.
